Inspired by...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday, March 14 2011

Worked:  5:45 - 1:45, plus a total of one hour chunked out from 6:30 to 9:00
Spent:  $87 for one student to register for the AP European History exam.

I'm tempted to start counting the number of minutes that I actually sit down during the day (excluding the commute).  With 3 periods at 42 humans in my classroom and only 41 desks (including my teacher desk and my student teacher's desk), the morning is shot.  Fourth period sometimes spares me a moment's respite, as they are a small class (35 students, 5 of whom are absent on a regular basis) and a low-maintenance class and therefore a magnificent class.  Lunch is spent running around helping those 5 kids who are chronically absent from 4th period as well as the 10 kids from 5th period who are often mentally absent from life, while 5th period is spent using proximity to manage student off-task behavior.  This translates to me walking back and forth and up and down and side to side into corners of the room that I never knew existed while simultaneously explaining and monitoring and practicing my teacher stare and the list goes on and on.

But hey, at least we teachers get lavish-with-a-capitol-L pay and benefits!

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